Our library articles were carefully curated to provide helpful information for criminal defendants and first-time offenders after an arrest. Learn more about the charges against you in our free online library.
Facing DUI charges in Orangeville can be confusing and stressful. You should not tackle the legal process alone. Kruse Law Firm, led by criminal defence lawyer Mike Kruse, offers seasoned legal representation for those accused of DUI and other [...]
Facing DUI charges in Peterborough? Kruse Law Firm, led by Mike Kruse, a criminal lawyer with over 35 years of experience, offers seasoned legal representation for those accused of DUI and impaired driving. Our team is dedicated to protecting [...]
I have a topic today for you that's an important topic and many people are googling this topic in Canada. What is the average sentence for someone facing a sexual assault charge in Ontario? Well, that's a pretty [...]
How long does a sexual assault investigation take in Ontario? A lot of our clients will show up at our office and they'll say their investigation for sexual assault. The police have reached out to them and are [...]
With a team of experienced impaired driving lawyers, Kruse Law collaborates with forensic toxicologists to offer comprehensive representation to those facing impaired driving charges in Ajax. Our focus on handling impaired driving cases positions us to effectively apply our [...]
With a team of highly skilled impaired driving lawyers, Kruse Law collaborates with forensic toxicologists to offer representation to those accused of impaired driving in Newmarket. Our specialization in defending against impaired driving charges sets us apart, and we are [...]
With Mr. Kruse at the helm, our team of seasoned DUI lawyers works hand in hand with seasoned forensic toxicologists throughout the province. We're dedicated to providing accused individuals with diligent and highly effective legal representation, particularly in cases [...]
Mr. Kruse heads a dedicated team of impaired driving lawyers who collaborate closely with experienced forensic alcohol and drug consultants throughout the province to offer accused individuals steadfast and efficient legal counsel. If you find yourself facing an impaired [...]
Have you been charged with impaired driving in Toronto? There is probably a lot going through your mind. Did you really drink that much? What if you had taken a different route home? Why didn’t you call a taxi? [...]
Say someone has a few too many drinks at the bar one night. Then, they are charged with impaired driving after they get into a car accident on their way home. While the drunk driver will be the primary target for [...]
If you cause a drunk driving accident in Ontario, you could face criminal charges that affect you for the rest of your life. However, DUIs are not always the sole responsibility of the person behind the wheel. Several other parties—including [...]
The process of getting your driver’s licence reinstated after a DUI in Ontario can be complicated. The DUI legal team at Kruse Law can guide you through the process. However, the smartest move is always to avoid a DUI conviction in [...]
The decision about whether to plead guilty to a DUI is one that no one should take lightly. Don't decide before you consult a DUI defence lawyer. We can explain the charges against you and all the consequences of [...]
Ontario's impaired driving laws have become stricter in recent years. Police can place immediate sanctions on drivers who fail an approved screening device breath test if their breath sample at the roadside shows a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of over 50 [...]
After an arrest for drunk driving in Canada, many defendants are tempted to plead guilty in order to put the incident behind them. Unfortunately, admitting to the offence will still create a criminal record and could cause the loss [...]
Whether or not the police are allowed to arrest you without demanding a roadside breath sample, depends on whether you are exhibiting signs that your ability to operate a motor vehicle is impaired by alcohol. If the police have reasonable [...]
Impaired driving trials typically take an entire day and sometimes longer. Our clients are often surprised at how much effort and how many hours of work are required for our DUI lawyers to properly prepare for an impaired driving [...]
If a person refuses or fails to comply with the breath demand by, for example saying “no” or faking blowing etc., they will then be charged with refusing or failing to comply with a breath demand or providing a [...]
We are all familiar with the RIDE Program (Reduced Impaired Driving Everywhere). If a person is flagged over for a RIDE program and for example, the officer detects an odour of alcohol on the person’s breath, the officer is [...]
How Can Kruse Law Firm Win an Impaired Driving Trial in Ontario? There are literally hundreds of ways to win an impaired driving case. When charged with impaired driving in Ontario, a person merely needs to convince a judge that [...]
Historically, it has been difficult for the crown to prove that a person’s ability to operate a motor vehicle was impaired by a drug under section 253(1)(a) of the Criminal Code. However, the enactment of Bill C-2 on July [...]
Definition Care or control of a motor vehicle while impaired by alcohol or a drug or being over the legal limit is a criminal offence under section 253(1)(a) and (b) of the Criminal Code, respectively. An intention to drive [...]
What Happens After a Person Is Charged by the Police? Normally, the police will provide an accused with a Promise to Appear (which may have a requirement to attend for fingerprints and a photograph on a specific future date). [...]
Another very common defence which was consistently used from 1985 to July 2008 is what lawyers and judges refer to as the Carter defence or “evidence to the contrary” defence. In July of 2008 Parliament passed Bill C-2 which [...]
Table of Contents 1. Prohibited Levels 2. How Drugs Affect Your Ability to Drive 3. Penalties for Driving Under the Influence of Drugs 3.1 Federal Penalties 3.2 Medical Cannabis Users 4. Conclusion Because impaired driving is the leading criminal cause of death and [...]
Table of Contents What Constitutes a DUI? What About Recreational Drugs? What Are the Legal Alcohol Limits for DUI? What Are the Potential Sentences for a DUI? Are DUI Conviction Records Public? What Happens if Convicted? Why Hire an [...]
Table of Contents Worst Case Best Case Contact a Lawyer The term ‘impaired driving’ is used when referring to the criminal offence of operating a motor vehicle while your ability to operate a motor vehicle is impaired [...]
Table of Contents What Are Some Common Roadside Screening Tests for Drug-Impaired Driving? Are There More Sophisticated Methods to Determine if Someone Is High While Driving? Do Police Have to Believe You Have Been Drinking to Request a Breath [...]
Table of Contents What is an ignition interlock and how does that impact my ability to drive? Can other people drive my car if it has an ignition interlock? Contact a DUI Lawyer Maintaining the ability to [...]
Table of Contents 1. Court Sentence in the Humboldt Broncos Bus Crash Case 1.1. Mitigating Factors 2. The R. v. Saini Case 3. The R. v. Lavoie Case 4. The R. v. Roy Case 5. Impaired Driving Lawyer in Ontario When determining sentencing for [...]
Table of Contents Criticism Against Releasing the Names of Individuals Charged With Impaired Driving Resolution Impaired Driving Defence Lawyer in Ontario In late 2018, York Regional Police began releasing the names of individuals charged with impaired driving. As reported [...]
Table of Contents Changes in the Criminal Code Marijuana-Related Offences Places Where it Is Illegal to Consume Cannabis Driving While Impaired By Marijuana Legal Consequences Drug Charge Lawyer in Ontario Possession of recreational marijuana officially became legal [...]
Table of Contents 1. Changes to the Criminal Code 1.1. New Criminal Offences 1.2. Changes in Roadside Screening Tests 2. Impaired Driving Defence Lawyers Serving Ontario Impaired driving is a term used to describe the crime of operating a motor vehicle while the [...]
Table of Contents How You Can Be Convicted of a DUI Without a BAC Test Can Someone Enter Canada After a DUI Conviction? DUI Lawyers Serving Ontario Canada has new impaired driving laws that are now in effect. The penalties [...]
Under the Criminal Code of Canada, sexual assault and all other types of sexual crimes are very serious offences. Anyone convicted of sexual assault in Toronto is placed on both an Ontario and a national sex offender registry. This can be for [...]
Child sexual abuse charges are especially serious. Canadian courts can and will consider several factors, including the offence's impact on the young victim, when handing down sentences. Someone found guilty of a sexual crime against a child can expect to [...]
Voyeurism is a criminal offence that involves observing one or more people engaging in private activities without their consent. A “peeping Tom” who looks through a window hoping to catch a glimpse of someone undressing is a voyeur. Someone who [...]
If you are facing a sexual assault with a weapon charge in Ontario, you need a skilled defence lawyer who can build a case to secure the best possible outcome. Your life is on the line when you are charged with this [...]
There are several key pieces of evidence used to prove or disprove sexual assault in Ontario, but not all evidence will be admissible in courts. For example, any evidence used to suggest that a victim's sexual activity makes them less credible or [...]
Table of Contents 1. What Constitutes Impaired Driving? 2. What Is the “Warn Range”? 2.1. Penalties for Being in the Warn Range 3. Knowledgeable Impaired Driving Defence Lawyers in Ontario Over-the-counter medications, certain prescription drugs, cannabis, and other illegal substances can affect [...]
Table of Contents 1. Changes in the Criminal Code 1.1. Roadside Tests for Drug Impairment 1.2. Time Range Limits for Alcohol and Drug Consumption 2. Retaining an Impaired Driving Lawyer Recent changes to drunk driving laws under Canada’s Criminal Code became [...]
Table of Contents 1. A Study on the R.I.D.E. Program 1.1. What if I am Arrested for DUI in Canada? 2. Legal Consequences 3. DUI Lawyer in Ontario On Friday last week, a sobriety checkpoint in Ontario stopped 230 cars. However, the [...]
Table of Contents The “Over 80” Rule Over 80 vs. Impaired Driving: Which Charge Applies to You? Contact a Criminal and DUI Lawyer Bill C-46 has strengthened Canada’s impaired driving laws. Police forces across Canada have recently stated [...]
Table of Contents Police Can Identify Impaired Drivers Charges for Exceeding Legal Limit, Refusing Testing, or Impairment What it Takes to Avoid Impaired Driving The consumption and possession of small amounts of marihuana has been declared legal in [...]
Driving a vehicle requires good judgment, hand-eye coordination, reaction time, spatial awareness and knowledge of your car and the rules of the road. Drugs such as cannabis or others available over the counter can adversely impact your driving skills. It [...]
Table of Contents Legal Fund Starting C-46 and the Charter What if I am Arrested for Drug-Impaired Driving? Chuck Rifici, the Liberal Party’s former treasurer, is putting up $25,000 to back a legal challenge of Canada’s updated impaired [...]
Table of Contents What If I am Arrested for Drug-Impaired Driving? Is it Legal to Drive After Smoking Weed? What Is the Law for Driving Under the Influence in Canada? What If I am Arrested for Driving Under the [...]
Table of Contents Background: R. v. Coelho (2018) Analysis and Findings Resolution A key component in developing a successful defence for a drunk-driving charge involves a thorough and step-by-step analysis of all the circumstances leading up to the arrest and charges being [...]
Table of Contents Background Analysis and Findings Resolution The R. v. Bukin Case Driving-Related Charges Lawyer in Ontario Technology, such as cell phone photos, online posts, and dashcam videos, is increasingly presented as evidence in criminal trials. Depending [...]
Table of Contents A Study on Cannabis Consumption What Does Canadian Law Say About Drug-Impaired Driving? What If I am Arrested for Alcohol or Drug-Impaired Driving? The consumption and possession of small amounts of marihuana will be [...]
Table of Contents What If I am Arrested for a DUI in Canada? Impaired Driving-Related Offences How Can I Find a DUI Lawyer in Ontario? In New Brunswick, a young family of five was killed by a trucker [...]
Table of Contents The R. v. Grant Case Background and Analysis Resolution DUI Lawyer in Ontario In the City of Ajax in December 2015, a man was charged with operating a motor vehicle while his blood alcohol concentration [...]
Table of Contents Background Analysis of the Arresting Officer’s Evidence DUI Lawyer in Ontario A woman was charged with impaired driving and driving with excessive blood alcohol concentration (BAC) after she was involved in a car accident on [...]
Table of Contents 1. Background 1.1 Overview of ‘The Accident’ 2. Defence Seeks to Exclude Evidence in Pre-Trial Hearings 3. The Trial: R. v. Wenham 4. Analysis and Findings 5. Resolution 6. Impaired Driving Lawyer in Ontario Drinking and driving laws in Canada govern the [...]
Image by jessica45 from Pixabay Table of Contents 1. What to Do If Accused of Sexual Assault 1.1. Remain Calm 1.2. Find a Reputable Sexual Assault Lawyer 1.3. Determine the Level of Trouble You Are In 1.4. Review Your Rights 1.5. Inform Yourself 1.6. Build Your [...]
Table of Contents What Is Bolus Drinking? Case Background Analysis and Findings Resolution In a 2016 trial, R. v. Gallant, an Ontario Court judge found that the possibility of bolus drinking raised reasonable doubt that the accused woman was [...]
Table of Contents The R. v. Schouten Case Analysis and Findings Resolution In an earlier 2016 trial, a Summary Conviction Appeal Court upheld the acquittal of a man accused of driving over the legal limit (i.e. ‘over [...]
Table of ContentsBackgroundAnalysis and FindingsKey ArgumentsResolution The process that leads up to a prosecution on DUI charges typically often begins with a police officer’s reasonable suspicion that a driver has alcohol in their body before they make an Approved Screening Device [...]
Table of Contents Reasons for Trial Judge’s Decision Circumstances and Issues in the Case Grounds for the Decision DUI Lawyer in Ontario The Crown recently appealed a summary judgement decision that acquitted an accused man on a charge [...]
Table of Contents The R. v. Pyrek Case Analysis and Findings Charter Rights Violation Argument Bolus Drinking Effects Resolution A person’s breath or blood samples are crucial evidence in proving charges of impaired driving and ‘over 80’. Also, the [...]
Photo by qimono Licensed Under CC0 Table of Contents 1. What Does Sexual Assault Entail? 2. Categories of Sexual Assault 3. Types of Sexual Assault 3.1. Sexual Assault With a Weapon or Causing Bodily Harm 3.2. Aggravated Sexual Assault 4. Myths About Sexual Assault 5. What to Keep in Mind [...]
In any criminal trial, the Crown prosecution must prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt before there can be a finding of ‘guilt’ on any criminal charge. In fact, the Crown generally doesn’t proceed to trial on a criminal [...]
Table of Contents 1. Type of Sexual Assault You Are Charged With 2. Factors Affecting the Severity of the Sentence 2.1. Aggravating Factors That Influence Sexual Assault Cases 2.2. Mitigating Factors That Affect Sexual Assault Cases 3. Mandatory Minimum [...]
The media reports crimes that occur in all provinces, and there are no legal protections in Canada that protect you from having your name and certain facts about an alleged criminal charge listed in newspapers or on television. Having [...]
In a recent sexual assault case, the judge ruled that the complainant’s prior sexual activity is relevant and admissible, and the defendant had reason to question whether the complainant was motivated to accuse him of sexual assault in order to protect [...]
The most recent data published by Statistics Canada shows a decline in the number of total decisions in criminal charges involving sexual assault. 2011 to 2012 had 4,058 decisions. 2015 to 2016 had 2,839 decisions. The same period also shows a drop [...]
Several recent decisions in Canadian courts have found mandatory minimum sentences for various sexual-related offences, including possession of child pornography, to be inappropriate and in violation of an individual’s Charter rights. A key criticism of the mandatory minimum is that it [...]
In Canada, the crime of sexual assault covers a broad range of offences. The potential penalties if convicted may range from simple probation to a lengthy jail term. A sexual assault defense lawyer in Ontario can speak to you about your case if [...]
To combat the prevalence of sexual assault in Canada, the Criminal Code has a wide definition of sexual assault that goes well beyond rape. It encompasses unwelcome sexual acts such as kissing, fondling, digital penetration, oral sex, or touching someone in a sexual [...]
In a recent sexual assault trial, R. v. R.D., the judge was required to make a determination on two key issues: 1) whether the Kienapple principle applies to this case, given that the defendant faced multiple sexual charges which essentially applied to the [...]
A recent CNN article, ‘This is Why People Hesitate to Report a Sexual Misconduct’, referenced the rape accusations against Bill Cosby as well as Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations that Judge Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her at a party when they [...]
In Canada, sexual activity is only legal when both the parties consent. Canada has a broad definition of sexual assault, and all unwanted sexual activities fall under it. For example, unwanted groping, fondling, kissing and rape are all considered [...]
At Kruse Law, we understand the serious consequences and implications involved if you are accused of a sex crime. The damage to your physical, emotional, and financial health causes levels of stress that may seem insurmountable. The stress, concerns, [...]
The thought of entering the legal process if you are accused of sexual assault can be petrifying. The unfortunate fact is that your life may be significantly impacted in several ways whether or not the allegations are true. The [...]
Sexual assault is a plague that has infected every social and economic class all over the world. Many assume that a victim is always a woman, but those who are victimized can be male or female. Also, the person committing [...]
In addition to dealing with the physical and emotional distress of sexual assault, victims must also make the difficult decision whether or not to press charges against their assailant. Those who are sexually assaulted grapple with this choice every [...]
Some of the most devastating and serious charges that can be filed against a person are those involving sexual assault. Even false accusations can leave a stigma that can linger for the rest of your life. A report recently released [...]
A recent trial, R. v. Shields, involved a woman who alleged that a co-worker sexually assaulted her in the bathroom at their place of work. The complainant testified that the accused followed her to a bathroom, locked the door, then proceeded to [...]
R.I.D.E. stands for “Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere.” It is an Ontario sobriety program that was established in 1977 with the purpose of reducing the number of tragic accidents and injuries resulting from impaired driving. The R.I.D.E. program has a [...]
The ‘age of consent’ refers to the age when a person can legally consent to sexual activity. Without consent, sexual activity is a criminal offence, regardless of a person’s age. Laws governing the age of consent apply to all [...]
In late December of 2015 at around 2:30 a.m., a Lamborghini collided with another car on the Gardiner Expressway east of Spadina Ave in Toronto. Fortunately, there were no serious injuries in the crash, although the Lamborghini was significantly [...]
In a 2017 proceeding, a man convicted of three charges — sexual assault, sexual interference with a person under 16 years of age, and invitation to sexual touching of a person under 16 – successfully appealed his convictions in [...]
If you are charged with a criminal offence, you have a right to have your case heard in court within a reasonable amount of time. Our right to be tried in a reasonable time is defined in section 11 (b) [...]
In R. v. Zou (2017), the Ontario Court of Appeal heard the appeal of a sexual assault conviction. The complainant in this case was an 18-year-old international student attending university in Toronto at the time of the alleged assault. She testified [...]
In a 2016 trial, R. v P.S., a man was accused of sexual assault that was alleged to have taken place 13 years in the past, while he was purportedly babysitting a young relative. As in many sexual assault cases, the deciding [...]
Few sexual assault cases have received as much attention in the Canadian press as the ongoing Jian Ghomeshi trial. The former CBC Radio and TV host faces four charges of sexual assault and one of choking. Regardless of opinion [...]
If you have been arrested and charged with a drinking and driving offence such as ‘over 80’ or ‘impaired driving’, there are a number of reasons why the charges may be dismissed. An experienced criminal defence lawyer will investigate and scrutinize all the [...]
The ‘bolus drinking’ or ‘last drink’ defence can be used to defend a drinking-and-driving charge in Ontario if reasonable doubt can be raised that the accused’s recently consumed alcohol would not yet have been absorbed and did not exceed the legal [...]
Ignorance does not make you exempt from the law. It is everyone’s responsibility to know the laws of their country and it is no different here in Ontario. The same applies for your civil rights and liberties as found [...]
Oliver Karafa, a 21-year-old motorist, might be spending time in jail after he was found guilty of impaired driving, dangerous driving, and criminal negligence in a crash that killed his passenger friend David Chiang. Background On April 3, 2012, [...]
Domestic assault is a serious criminal charge in Ontario that can result in up to two years in prison. Even before the accused is tried, however, they could be slapped with a no-contact order by the arresting officer or [...]
Penalties for domestic assault in Canada are more severe than assault outside of a domestic setting. Domestic assault occurs in the context of an intimate relationship. Most commonly, this is between a dating or a married couple, but it [...]
Domestic violence involves a physical altercation—or threat of violence—between two people engaged in an intimate relationship or a parent and child. It may occur between a married couple, a dating couple, common-law partners, or parents and children. A conviction [...]
While there is no specific offence of family violence listed in the Canadian Criminal Code, acts of family violence are crimes in Canada. If you are convicted of a crime and it is determined that the crime you were engaged in [...]
While there is no specific offence of family violence listed in the Canadian Criminal Code, acts of family violence are crimes in Canada. If you are convicted of a crime and it is determined that the crime you were engaged in [...]
Intimate partner violence is a major health concern for the public not only for residents of Canada but for people around the world. There is also a percentage of domestic assault allegations that are false, which has led to individuals being wrongly [...]
Family violence is any type of neglect or abuse experienced by an adult or child at the hands of another family member or a person with whom the abused has an intimate relationship. The abuse does not have to be [...]
There are many different behaviors that could constitute assault, making it possible for people without previous offences to face charges without realizing they committed a crime. The Criminal Code of Canada sets out different categories of assault to protect certain members [...]
A violent act, particularly one committed in the heat of the moment, is a simple concept to understand. A person lets emotions override rational thought and acts irresponsibly. Once the situation has settled down and an individual has time [...]
In Canada, an assault that causes bodily harm results in a more severe offence and penalty than a simple charge of criminal assault. Section 267 of Canada’s Criminal Code defines assault causing bodily harm as a situation in which the application of force to another [...]
In R. v. Wong, a man was charged with three assault offences under the Criminal Code, sections 266, 267 and 268: assault, assault with a weapon or causing bodily harm, and aggravated assault. In a trial by jury, the man was [...]
Canadians have a right to defend their property or themselves as long as their defensive actions are reasonable under the circumstances. This means that if you injure an intruder entering your home or property, you would need to show that [...]
What is public mischief? Although it may sound like a term used to describe unruly children, it is in fact a serious offence under s. 140 (1) of the Criminal Code of Canada. It is described as the deliberate [...]
Fortunately for its residents, Canada is a country that has a great standard of living. Canadians enjoy the benefits of political stability and economic security that is envied by many. However, Canada is not perfect and crime still occurs [...]
Crimes and their subsequent punishments are separated by degrees. Not all criminal acts should have the same level of penalties. Therefore, the Criminal Code of Canada purposely makes a point of appropriately evaluating the scope and nature of a crime. For [...]
In R. v. Gagnon, a man, André Gagnon, appealed his conviction for conspiracy to commit robbery, for which he had been sentenced to 8 years in prison. The Ontario Court of Appeal allowed the man’s appeal on the basis that [...]
Similar to the United States, Canada faces many challenges as it deals with drug trafficking and smuggling issues. In the U.S., a significant portion of drugs are smuggled into the country from South America, Mexico, and the Caribbean. In [...]
Of all the drug offences in Canada, drug trafficking generally has the harshest penalties. The jail terms and fines are frequently much greater than those for distribution and possession. Under Canadian law, drug trafficking is not just limited to [...]
For the prosecution of a case involving drugs, the Crown must establish that the substance involved is actually a prohibited substance. This determination is made by adhering to the definitions set out in the Controlled Drug and Substances Act. A [...]
There are many different criminal drug charges a person can face in Canada. These offences come with mandatory minimum penalties, and those are more severe when an aggravating factor in present. If you have been charged with a drug-related offence in [...]
If you have been arrested for a drug crime, a criminal defence lawyer can help you deal with the complex legal court process that follows. If you have been charged with a drug-related offence, it is important to know [...]
When you hire Kruse Criminal Law, our priority is to have your criminal charges dismissed. However, sometimes that’s not possible, even after mounting a strong defence based on the circumstances of your arrest, in which case we will fight [...]
In arguably the most important criminal law decision in 2016, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled, in R. v. Jordan, to set aside a man’s criminal conviction on the basis that the delay going to trial was unreasonable and the [...]
A recent Supreme Court judgement held that mandatory minimum sentencing for minor drug trafficking charges set out in the Controlled Drug and Substances Act is unconstitutional. Canada’s Controlled Drug and Substances Act lists all controlled or unauthorized substances and categorizes these substances according [...]
You might think you do not have a defence because you failed the breath test. That is simply not true. These are only machines and machines make mistakes. Also, a Judge may never get to know that you failed [...]
There are literally hundreds of ways to win an over 80 case. The most common ways to win an over 80 case are as follows: Reasonable Doubt First, we try to demonstrate that the Crown has not proven beyond a reasonable [...]
A Absolute Discharge An Absolute Discharge is a sentence made after an accused person has been found guilty, but is still allowed to walk away without any penalty. This does not really give the person a criminal record as [...]
Understanding your legal rights helps you to know what to expect if you’re arrested or detained, and can help ensure the best possible outcome in your case. Here are five of the most important tips to remember if you’re [...]
Unlike ‘dangerous driving’, ‘careless driving’ is not a criminal offence. However, careless driving is sometimes referred to as a quasi-criminal offence and is certainly considered a serious charge under Ontario’s Highway Traffic Act. A conviction for careless driving may result in significant [...]
A 23-year-old woman was driving her vehicle on Highway 401 in Toronto, returning from a trip to Montreal, when her car left the passing lane and travelled onto the shoulder, crashing into the rear of a parked car and [...]
Increasingly in the news is the fact that Canada’s Criminal Code contains numerous confusing and outdated laws, and many criminal law experts agree that it is outdated and requires a substantial overhaul. The Criminal Code was first enacted in 1892 and has had only one [...]
Under Canada’s Criminal Code, a person is considered to have committed a theft if they move something with the intent to steal it. The penalties for theft vary according to the value of the item that was stolen and may [...]
In a 2016 trial, the Ontario Court of Appeal quashed a man’s previous conviction for dangerous driving on the grounds that the accused man did not fully understand that his driver’s licence would be suspended indefinitely when he pleaded [...]
It is quite common for motor vehicle accidents involving serious injuries to result in both criminal charges and charges under the Highway Traffic Act, as well as a civil trial. And although there are several differences in criminal and civil [...]
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, section 11(d) guarantees Canadians the right to be presumed innocent. Specifically, anyone detained or charged with an offence has the right “to be presumed innocent until proven guilty according to law in a [...]
No one can argue that the introduction of the internet for general public use in the early 1990s revolutionized communication throughout the world. As the internet gained popularity and use, new crimes involving computer networks also began to become [...]
Anyone in Canada who has been convicted of a criminal charge is entitled to appeal the court’s finding of guilt or appeal their sentencing or both. The prosecution may also appeal an acquittal or sentencing but the conditions for [...]
By choice, Canada is one of the most multi-cultural countries in the world. The Canadian Multiculturalism Act of 1988 is a statute that seeks to give everyone equal treatment and protection under the law, regardless of ethnicity, customs and other cultural [...]
In Canada, police can lawfully search you in a ‘pat down’ under certain circumstances, such as: if they have reasonable grounds connected to a specific criminal activity; are in the process of making an arrest (“search incident to arrest”) [...]
All Canadians have the right to protection against unreasonable search or seizure of their property right which is guaranteed under section 8 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This means that we are protected by law, from having [...]
The goal of defence counsel right from the start of any criminal trial is for a client to make a favourable impression on a judge or jury right from the minute the judge or jury enters the courtroom. In [...]
Police forces across Ontario are collecting information on citizens that does not necessarily pertain to an actual criminal conviction. This information may have negative implications for individuals in the event of a background check, especially when seeking employment. An [...]
Being arrested and charged with a crime is not a pleasant experience. The criminal defence lawyers at Kruse Law Firm are here to guide you through this time of uncertainty with our experience and professionalism. In Ontario, there is a process you go [...]
White-collar crime in Canada is a very broad term that refers to non-violent corporate and occupational crimes fuelled by financial gain. Occupational crime consists of any fraudulent acts committed by employees against the company they are employed by. It usually [...]
In Canada, the federal government is the body which creates and executes all matters pertaining to criminal law. Each province is responsible for enforcing these laws, mainly through the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police), provincial police forces and local [...]
The Canadian criminal justice system has a complex and constantly evolving set of rules and regulations that attempt to keep order in society. When convicted of a crime in a court of law, there are many forms of punishment [...]
Many people believe that only a certain kind of person get accused of a crime or a certain type of person ever finds themselves on the wrong side of the law. This is absolutely untrue. It can happen to [...]
Under Canadian Criminal law, a person who is charged with a criminal offence is ”presumed to be innocent until proven guilty”. The “presumption of innocence” is an important part of the foundation of the Canadian judicial system. This is widely known [...]
Many people who are charged with criminal offences suffer from mental illnesses. In very extreme cases an accused who suffers from mental illness may have a defence to the crime they are charged with as their mental health issue [...]
A criminal record is a damaging piece of information that can scar your life, reputation and privacy. In today’s world where everything is but a click away, the repercussions of having a criminal record are devastating. Here we will [...]
We may not all understand the legal terms that are associated with criminal law or even know what all the laws are and how they affect us. It is advisable that we educate ourselves even if it’s with just [...]
Some people agree with the old adage that “knowledge of the law is half the battle” and in most legal situations, there is no doubt this is the case. Knowing the laws of Canada and abiding by them can [...]
A Toronto-area jury found Chun Qi Jiang guilty of second-degree murder in the killing of his ex-girlfriend, Guang Hua Liu, 41, and dismembering her to cover the crime. An investigation into Liu’s death was triggered when some of her [...]
The Kruse Law Firm has the experience and competence to defend your domestic assault case in Woodstock. Our dedication and knowledge enable us to develop a defence consistent with your version of the events. Our highly skilled criminal defence [...]
The penalties for an impaired driving criminal conviction such as drunk driving are devastating. We understand your concerns, needs, and stress. At Kruse Law Firm, our team of impaired driving lawyers will assist you with your concerns, alleviate your stress, [...]
When you hire a lawyer from the Kruse Law Firm, you can rest assured that they have significant experience defending assault cases. No matter what type of assault case it is, your Woodstock assault lawyer will develop your defence [...]
Being accused of theft or fraud in Woodstock endangers your freedom. The representation of a highly experienced criminal defence lawyer can protect your liberty and potentially avoid a detrimental criminal record. The Kruse Law Firm will explore every opportunity [...]
The Kruse Law Firm has all the knowledge and experience you need in a team of expert criminal lawyers who can build a strong defence in your favor. The team has the expertise and drive needed to defend you [...]
When facing drug charges, it’s perfectly normal to feel scared and confused. However, the best thing you can do is hire an experienced criminal defence lawyer to represent you in your upcoming case. Kruse Law Firm is one of [...]
When the Kruse Law Firm has your case, they bring the criminal law experience and necessary skills you need to defend your Woodstock fraud case. Our knowledgeable lawyers will work with you to develop your best defence. Our Woodstock [...]
The Kruse Law Firm will provide you with not only the knowledge of a team of experienced winners in defending impaired driving by alcohol or a drug, drinking and driving, or drunk driving charges but also the confidence in [...]
When faced with a domestic assault charge in Windsor, it is imperative to contact a skilled criminal lawyer who can act in a timely manner to successfully defend your case. The Kruse Law Firm has the expertise and understanding of [...]
Sexual assault is one of the most serious charges you can face. Given the profound personal and legal repercussions attached to the charges, trusted legal representation is required. At Kruse Law, our lawyers have extensive experience defending sexual assault cases [...]
You need expert legal advice after an arrest for assault in Windsor. The criminal defence lawyers at the Kruse Law Firm want to hear your side of the story. Our founder, Michael Kruse, has spent decades helping people charged [...]
In the highly technical and rapidly changing area of drinking and driving (DUI) law, you will benefit from the expertise of our team in the intricacies of alcohol, drug-affected driving, or “care or control” cases. Our support staff is also an [...]
The Kruse Law Firm has all the knowledge and experience you need in a team of expert criminal lawyers who can build a strong defence in your favor. The team has the expertise and drive needed to defend you [...]
A Waterloo impaired driving charge can seriously harm your chances of getting the right job or your ability to cross the border. It will give you a criminal record resulting in restrictions being put on your life such as the [...]
You need accurate and complete knowledge of your legal rights and options before responding to a domestic assault charge in Waterloo. At the Kruse Law Firm, we devote ourselves entirely to successfully defending people accused of criminal offences. For [...]
Have you been arrested for assault in the Waterloo area? If so, it’s important to acknowledge that the charges against you are serious and that you need an experienced legal team on your side. The Kruse Law Firm will [...]
Domestic violence is the common term for assaults or other abuses against family members, typically intimate partners like a spouse. The Canadian Criminal Code views assaults and abuses against household members as an aggravating factor. Therefore, an assault charge involving a spouse, common-law [...]
A Waterloo sexual assault lawyer will protect you from police investigators eager to use your statements as evidence of criminality. You need an experienced and knowledgeable sexual assault lawyer by your side to help you avoid or minimize the [...]
When the Kruse Law Firm has your case, they bring the criminal law experience and necessary skills you need to defend your Walkerton fraud case. Our knowledgeable lawyers will work with you to develop your best defence. Our Walkerton [...]
An impaired driving charge in Walkerton can seriously harm your chances of getting the right job or your ability to cross the border. It will give you a criminal record resulting in restrictions being put on your life, a [...]
The Kruse Law Firm has the experience and competence to defend your domestic assault case in Walkerton. Our dedication and knowledge enable us to develop a defence consistent with your version of the events. Our highly skilled criminal defence [...]
When facing drug charges, it’s perfectly normal to feel scared and confused. However, the best thing you can do is hire an experienced criminal defence lawyer to represent you in your upcoming case. Kruse Law Firm is one of [...]
The Kruse Law Firm has all the knowledge and experience you need in a team of expert criminal lawyers who can build a strong defence in your favor. The team has the expertise and drive needed to defend you [...]
Being accused of theft or fraud in Walkerton endangers your freedom. The representation of a highly experienced criminal defence lawyer can protect your liberty and potentially avoid a detrimental criminal record. The Kruse Law Firm will explore every opportunity [...]
As experienced criminal lawyers, we at Kruse Law Firm understand how stressful this experience can be for you. You may have never dealt with the police, prosecutors, or been through the court process before, which is overwhelming and very confusing. [...]
The Kruse Law Firm has all the knowledge and experience you need in a team of expert criminal lawyers who can build a strong defence in your favor. The team has the expertise and drive needed to defend you [...]
When it comes to defending your Toronto assault case, Kruse Law Firm has the criminal defence experience you need. They will work with you to develop a defence consistent with your recollection of the events. We believe that clients [...]
The Kruse Law Firm has the experience and competence to defend your domestic assault case in Toronto. Our dedication and knowledge enable us to develop a defence consistent with your version of the events. Our highly skilled criminal defence [...]
The Kruse Law Firm has all the knowledge and experience you need in a team of expert criminal lawyers who can build a strong defence in your favor. The team has the expertise and drive needed to defend you against [...]
If you are facing domestic violence charges in Toronto, our highly skilled lawyers will protect you. We will help you build a defence that is consistent with how you recall the events of the incident. For those clients who wish to resolve [...]
Michael Kruse has a team of skillful impaired driving lawyers who work in conjunction with expert forensic toxicologists across the province to provide accused persons in Toronto with diligent and effective representation. Defending against impaired driving charges is [...]
Are You Facing a Sexual Assault Charge in Stratford? Our Criminal Defence Lawyers Will Fight for You
The Kruse Law Firm has all the knowledge and experience you need in a team of expert criminal lawyers who can build a strong defence in your favor. The team has the expertise and drive needed to defend you [...]
Michael Kruse has been working in this complex and technical area of the law for over 29 years. He has appeared in the criminal courts throughout Ontario. Having developed a rapport with the Prosecution and having earned the respect [...]
When you hire a lawyer from the Kruse Law Firm, you can rest assured that they have significant experience defending assault cases. No matter what type of assault case it is, your St. Thomas assault lawyer will develop your [...]
The Kruse Law Firm has the experience and competence to defend your domestic assault case in St. Thomas. Our dedication and knowledge enable us to develop a defence consistent with your version of the events. Our highly skilled criminal [...]
Domestic violence charges are very serious offences in St. Thomas, Ontario, according to the Canadian Criminal Code. These crimes are considered acts of family violence and require the assistance of an experienced criminal lawyer who can protect your rights and [...]
When the Kruse Law Firm has your case, they bring the criminal law experience and necessary skills you need to defend your St. Thomas fraud case. Our knowledgeable lawyers will work with you to develop your best defence. Our [...]
Michael Kruse has been successfully defending DUI cases since 1993. Michael Kruse and his team of impaired driving defence lawyers have earned the respect of judges and lawyers throughout Ontario and in St. Thomas. Your best interests and your [...]
Sexual assault allegations are among the most serious legal accusations one can face. The deep personal and judicial consequences tied to these charges therefore requires trusted legal representation. At Kruse Law, our criminal defence lawyers bring a wealth of [...]
Being accused of theft or fraud in St. Thomas endangers your freedom. The representation of a highly experienced criminal defence lawyer can protect your liberty and potentially avoid a detrimental criminal record. The Kruse Law Firm will explore every [...]
The Kruse Law Firm has all the knowledge and experience you need in a team of expert criminal lawyers who can build a strong defence in your favor. The team has the expertise and drive needed to defend you [...]
Have you been charged with: Impaired operation of a Motor Vehicle or Vessel? Impaired Care or Control of a motor Vehicle or Vessel? Over 80 operation of a motor Vehicle or Vessel? Over 80 Care or Control of a [...]
Canadian criminal legislation is tough on weapons offences in accordance with increasing concerns over, and intolerance of gun violence in Canada. In an attempt to prevent and reduce assaults with a weapon as well as gun violence, the mandatory [...]
When you hire a lawyer from the Kruse Law Firm, you can rest assured that they have significant experience defending assault cases. No matter what type of assault case it is, your Simcoe assault lawyer will develop your defence [...]
The Kruse Law Firm has the experience and competence to defend your domestic assault case in Simcoe. Our dedication and knowledge enable us to develop a defence consistent with your version of the events. Our highly skilled criminal defence [...]
When the Kruse Law Firm has your case, they bring the criminal law experience and necessary skills you need to defend your Simcoe fraud case. Our knowledgeable lawyers will work with you to develop your best defence. Our Simcoe [...]
When facing drug charges, it’s perfectly normal to feel scared and confused. However, the best thing you can do is hire an experienced criminal defence lawyer to represent you in your upcoming case. Kruse Law Firm is one of [...]
The Kruse Law Firm has all the knowledge and experience you need in a team of expert criminal lawyers who can build a strong defence in your favor. The team has the expertise and drive needed to defend you [...]
If you have been charged with impaired driving in Simcoe, do not just plead guilty. Let Kruse Law Firm go to work for you. Simply being charged does not mean that you will be found guilty. Hiring an impaired [...]
Being accused of theft or fraud in Simcoe endangers your freedom. The representation of a highly experienced criminal defence lawyer can protect your liberty and potentially avoid a detrimental criminal record. The Kruse Law Firm will explore every opportunity [...]
Michael Kruse and his team of experienced impaired driving lawyers are dedicated to providing you with proper and honest legal advice regarding your DUI offence. Our skilled DUI lawyers serving Scarborough and the GTA will ensure that your case has a [...]
The Kruse Law Firm has all the knowledge and experience you need in a team of expert criminal lawyers who can build a strong defence in your favor. The team has the expertise and drive needed to defend you [...]
If you have been charged with one of the following drinking and driving offences in Sarnia, Kruse Law Firm can help. Impaired Driving by alcohol or a drug Over 80 Blowing Over (Breathalyzer or Intoxilyzer) DUI DWI Fail to provide [...]
The Kruse Law Firm has all the knowledge and experience you need in a team of expert criminal lawyers who can build a strong defence in your favor. The team has the expertise and drive needed to defend you [...]
When you hire a lawyer from the Kruse Law Firm, you can rest assured that they have significant experience defending assault cases. No matter what type of assault case it is, your Sarnia assault lawyer will develop your defence [...]
The Kruse Law Firm has the experience and competence to defend your domestic assault case in Sarnia. Our dedication and knowledge enable us to develop a defence consistent with your version of the events. Our highly skilled criminal defence [...]
When facing drug charges, it’s perfectly normal to feel scared and confused. However, the best thing you can do is hire an experienced criminal defence lawyer to represent you in your upcoming case. Kruse Law Firm is one of [...]
When the Kruse Law Firm has your case, they bring the criminal law experience and necessary skills you need to defend your Sarnia fraud case. Our knowledgeable lawyers will work with you to develop your best defence. Our Sarnia [...]
If you have been charged with one of the following drinking and driving offences in Richmond Hill, Kruse Law Firm can help. Impaired Over 80 Blowing Over (Breathalyzer or Intoxilyzer) DUI DWI Fail a Roadside Screening Device What Can [...]
The Kruse Law Firm has all the knowledge and experience you need in a team of expert criminal lawyers who can build a strong defence in your favor. The team has the expertise and drive needed to defend you [...]
When you hire a lawyer from the Kruse Law Firm, you can rest assured that they have significant experience defending assault cases. No matter what type of assault case it is, your Owen Sound assault lawyer will develop your [...]
When the Kruse Law Firm has your case, they bring the criminal law experience and necessary skills you need to defend your Owen Sound fraud case. Our knowledgeable lawyers will work with you to develop your best defence. Our [...]
The Kruse Law Firm has the experience and competence to defend your domestic assault case in Owen Sound. Our dedication and knowledge enable us to develop a defence consistent with your version of the events. Our highly skilled criminal [...]
When facing drug charges, it’s perfectly normal to feel scared and confused. However, the best thing you can do is hire an experienced criminal defence lawyer to represent you in your upcoming case. Kruse Law Firm is one of [...]
The Kruse Law Firm has all the knowledge and experience you need in a team of expert criminal lawyers who can build a strong defence in your favor. The team has the expertise and drive needed to defend you [...]
Being accused of theft or fraud in Owen Sound endangers your freedom. The representation of a highly experienced criminal defence lawyer can protect your liberty and potentially avoid a detrimental criminal record. The Kruse Law Firm will explore every [...]
You ‘blew over’ or failed the intoxilyzer tests at the police station, but there is still a good chance that Michael Kruse and his team of impaired driving lawyers can beat your charge. Your licence is important to you, [...]
The Kruse Law Firm has all the knowledge and experience you need in a team of expert criminal lawyers who can build a strong defence in your favor. The team has the expertise and drive needed to defend you [...]
Schedule your free consultation if you have been charged with a drinking and driving offence in Ottawa such as: Impaired Exceed Over 80 Blowing Over (Breathalyzer or Intoxilyzer) DUI / DWI Fail a Roadside Screening Device Refusing or Failing to Comply [...]