On Friday last week, a sobriety checkpoint in Ontario stopped 230 cars. However, the police only made a mere 7 arrests. In contrast, in 2016 at the same checkpoint location, 400 cars were stopped and 34 arrests were made for impaired driving. Law enforcement has always seen impaired driving checkpoints as an effective strategy toward catching and arresting impaired drivers. According to many law enforcement leaders, the goal of the checkpoints is to act as a deterrent or influence people not to drive under the influence of alcohol or other illegal drugs. If you are facing DUI charges in Canada, seek help from an experienced Ontario DUI lawyer

A Study on the R.I.D.E. Program

In a fact sheet released by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), an evaluation of checkpoint studies (“R.I.D.E. programs”) has found that R.I.D.E. programs “reduced alcohol-related fatal, injury, and property damage crashes each by about 20%.” Another analysis indicated, “Checkpoints reduced alcohol-related crashes by 17 percent, and all crashes by 10 to 15%.”

Although the use of checkpoints has shown success in lowering drunk driving statistics, some people in law enforcement still believe that checkpoints are resource-intensive, requiring many working hours, officers, and a range of agency equipment to operate. 

What if I am Arrested for DUI in Canada?

Canada has severe and punitive laws for driving under the influence of alcohol. Realistically, whether a person feels drunk varies per individual. At the time you were driving, you may have felt that you were in control and not drunk. However, Canadian laws state that you can be arrested for a DUI if you:

  • Drive a car, truck, or motorcycle with a blood alcohol content (BAC) higher than .08%;
  • Drive a car, truck, or motor vehicle while your ability to operate a motor vehicle is impaired by a drug;
  • Refuse to participate in a Standard Field Sobriety Testing (SFST) or Drug Recognition Evaluation (DRE) testing without a reasonable excuse; and
  • Fail to Provide a Sample or Participate in SFST or DRE testing and cause bodily harm or death. 

Legal Consequences

Unlike other traffic-related charges, which are much easier to fight without a lawyer, a DUI conviction has serious backlash, and more often than not, judges will impose serious criminal penalties for your sentence. If you are convicted of a DUI where you cause injury or death, you can expect to receive a lengthy term of imprisonment. To avoid or reduce the penalties for a DUI, find a lawyer who is experienced and knowledgeable regarding Canadian DUI laws. 

DUI Lawyer in Ontario

When choosing the best DUI lawyer to handle your case, you should look for a firm that has experience handling cases similar to yours. At Kruse Law, our lawyers have successfully handled countless cases involving DUI’s. We have the knowledge and experience needed to handle the most complex ones. If you have been arrested for a DUI in Ontario, contact us at +1-800-699-0806 for a no-cost consultation or send an email to defence@kruselaw.ca.

By Published On: August 15, 2023Last Updated: August 15, 2023Categories: Impaired Driving/DUI

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