I’d like to welcome you to the Kruse Law Firm website. No doubt you’re searching for answers. You’re probably charged with a criminal offense and you’re under stress or you’re reaching out for a friend or loved one or family member. The way we’ve designed this website is we’re trying to answer common questions. If you look through our videos that I’ve done, you’ll see many of the questions that can be answered in those videos. Some people like print as well, we’ve tried to do print. And I really encourage you to go through the website carefully. Look at the areas that you want answered. We have impaired driving videos, we have criminal videos. This is all we do – 24/7: criminal law. And over the years I’ve decided it’s very important for the public to have some educational videos to give them some basic concepts about criminal law. It may help them in selecting a lawyer. It may answer some of their questions at the very least, even if you don’t retain a lawyer, you’re going to get some useful information as to how to proceed on your case. So give us a call after you watch the videos. We’re happy to answer further questions and I hope you find our website helpful.
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