I want to talk to you about a very common question that clients ask. You’ve been charged with a DUI or dangerous driving under the criminal code and your motor vehicle was written off in the accident. There is 20, 30, 40 thousand dollars wor4th of damage. The bottom line is that if you plea gu8ilty to a criminal offence to your driving or are found guilty at your trial, your insurance company is not going to pay for your collision coverage. So, you will lose the money and it voids the insurance. The other issues to this, are accident benefits. We have a no-fault system for accident benefits., You will be covered for accident benefits, so you may get some loss of income, doing your therapy. That is going to be covered. The other thing is tort. That means, if the other driver sues you, so you hurt the other driver and they are seriously injured. Fortunately, that is covered. So in other words if you plead guilty, you are still going to have your tort coverage and be covered with all that. Your insurance company will pay for that if it is successful. So that’s the answer to that question, it’s a common question. It’s a troublesome question when pleading guilty when there is a very serious accident.