Theft Charges and Returning Stolen Goods

Our firm frequently handles cases involving theft, ranging from minor incidents to more serious offences. A common query from clients is whether returning stolen items could lead to the charges being dropped.

Can Returning Stolen Items Lead to Dropped Charges?

Clients often wonder if returning stolen goods, especially if they are still in perfect condition, can result in the charges being dropped. The unfortunate reality is that, once charges have been laid, the Crown is unlikely to drop them simply because the stolen items have been returned.

Mitigation vs. Dismissal

While returning stolen items might not lead to the outright dismissal of charges, it can potentially influence the sentencing or the legal outcome. The act of returning stolen goods could be considered a mitigating factor, which might result in a more favorable sentence or plea deal. However, the charges themselves are unlikely to be dropped just  because the goods were returned.

Legal Dynamics: Challenges of Charge Dismissal

Once charges are filed, the legal process unfolds, and prosecutors are generally committed to pursuing the case. Returning stolen items may be viewed as a positive step in the eyes of the court, but it is not a guaranteed pathway to charge dismissal.

Exceptional Situations: Moral Dilemmas and Individual Choices

In some situations, an individual may be confronted by someone aware of the theft, who demands the return of the stolen goods. While returning the items may resolve the matter with that person, it does not preclude the possibility of them still reporting the incident to the police. Moral considerations and personal choices come into play in such exceptional situations.

Conclusion: Legal Realities and Decision-Making

In conclusion, the act of returning stolen items, while commendable on moral grounds, does not automatically lead to the dismissal of theft charges. Legal consequences and potential mitigations are complex, requiring careful navigation through the legal process. Understanding the distinction between mitigating factors and charge dismissal is essential for informed decision-making.

Legal Guidance: Theft Charges

If you are facing theft charges or have legal concerns related to stolen goods, seeking professional legal guidance is crucial. Our firm provides a free consultation to discuss your case and explore potential legal strategies. Contact us here to ensure you have the necessary support and information to make informed decisions about your legal situation.

Video Transcription:

Our firm represents a lot of people who are charged with Theft. Whether that is a minor theft of a good or very serious theft involving thousands of dollars’ worth of goods or dollars. Clients often ask “look I’ve got the items still in perfect condition, what if I just return it will they drop the charge?” The short answer to that question unfortunately is no. Once the charge has been laid the Crown is not going to drop the charge. Returning the good might mitigate the crime in terms of getting a better sentence or a lighter deal but generally not going to have the charge dropped.I suppose there’s also situations where a person knows you’ve stolen something and they go to you and they say look if you don’t return this I’m going to you know go to the police. I suppose you could return the good in that situation and then you’re at the mercy of the person. They could still go to the police but I guess morally that would be up to you whether to return the good. Morally, personally I would if I was in that situation but you’re opening yourself up to a charge and the person may just suspect that you’ve stolen it. They can’t prove it. So it’s totally up to you what you want to do in that situation.So the short answer to that original question is if you’ve been charged with theft returning the good is not going to help you get the charge dropped. It might mitigate your sentence. In other words lessen your sentence.

By Published On: July 31, 2023Last Updated: June 26, 2024Categories: Drug Charges, Video

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