I want to talk to you today about the video consultations we do with our current or existing clients. One of the things or issues that Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted is a new virtual reality. Our firm has always offered these types of consultations because a lot of our clients can’t drive. They might be charged with impaired driving so they’re often consulting with us by zoom or skype and many people want to do this now as well and it’s very effective. We can meet with you by zoom or skype and exchange documents, review all of your facts and offer you a legal opinion with this. It’s an ongoing process so many firms are not meeting with clients in person now. Our firm has decided to meet with clients in person with social distancing and masking but most of our clients are choosing not to do this and we find it very effective. It’s just like our free initial consultations that we offer as well by zoom or skype. So this is one of the by-products of the Covid pandemic that many people are choosing to do this and we are happy to oblige and it’s working out great for both our firm and our clients.
By Published On: August 2, 2023Last Updated: June 12, 2024Categories: General, Video

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