I want to talk to you today about Kruse Law Firm’s free initial video consultation. If you check out one of my other videos I go through in detail what’s involved in our consultations and they’re free. It’s no cost or obligation to you. One of the issues really that the Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted is the new virtual reality we’ve been living in. Our firm has always had the ability to have zoom and skype consultations with people and we’ve been doing this for years and we’ve been very active with it during these times. Many clients want to do this. They don’t want to meet in person. It’s safer and it really works out well. It’s really as if you are there and it allows us to meet with all of our clients including in counties that are outside of our physical locations. Our physical locations are in Windsor, London, Kitchener and Toronto but we also act for people in all of the counties in between. So this is the service we provide. Our consultation is usually in the range of 30 to 60 minutes and we’re going to give you a lot of good advice and it will almost be as if you are there really which we’ve been finding is great and clients like it so that’s what’s involved in our free initial video consultation.