Our firm often represents individuals charged with different charges in multiple cities and let me give you an example, lets say I’m charged in Windsor with a domestic assault and Toronto with a DUI and London for example with a breach of recognizance. I’m potentially facing jail terms on all 3 of them for example. And the client, I’ve instructed the lawyer, look, my lawyer said to me, look these aren’t defendable, I would like to resolve them all. So this presents a little bit of a challenge because what the lawyer has to do is bring those all together into one city so you have a global resolution so you will need the consent of the Crown Attorney in each city, negotiate with them and bring them into one city. If you don’t do that then your facing potentially jail term to serve in Toronto at one time, deal with another later and the breach later so it presents a bit of a quagmire and perhaps a longer sentence then you would do if you brought them all into one city. Of course if you decide to have trials on all matters, let’s say their completely defendable, look the client’s innocent, of course those trials have to take place in the county that you were charged in so the Toronto trial has to take place there, London trial there, and the Windsor trial in Windsor. So that’s a bit of a strategy on how to properly deal with multiple outstanding charges in different cities to avoid a real problem fort he client about facing a longer jail term essentially doing separate trials, or separate guilty pleas.
By Published On: August 1, 2023Last Updated: November 16, 2023Categories: General, Video

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