Our firm represents many people charged with sexual assault, domestic assault, assault, and those types of charges where the evidence that the crown brings forth is often based on the victim’s word alone. There’s no DNA evidence, there’s no confirming evidence. There’s no other evidence. So sometimes these are historical charges going back 10, 20, 30 years and my clients ask me, Mike, how can they possibly charge me based on the word, a person from 30 years ago? Well, unfortunately, that’s how our system works. The police will, can, and do lay charges based on word alone. If a victim meets with the police and gives them a video statement, and the police find that the evidence is credible and reliable, they have reasonable probable grounds to lay a charge, and they’re entitled to do that. So the short answer is this happens all the time. People get convicted all the time just based on someone’s word. However, the system is set up to favor the accuser’s presumption of innocence there’s a WD test. So you’re entitled to defend yourself whether that’s through cross examination or you t, you testify, oration of the two. In another video, I talk about how those tests are applied and how it’s set up in your favor. So even though it’s your word against the other person’s word, the system is tilted in your favor that the Crown has to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. That is why you can, in most cases where it’s one word against the other, win most of those cases in the hands of a good lawyer.
By Published On: August 1, 2023Last Updated: August 9, 2024Categories: General, Video

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